Sentence-Level Service: Copy/Style Editing and Proofreading
In a sentence-level edit, I will help you prepare your manuscript for publication by reviewing each sentence for language usage and mechanical errors. I will spot the typos, cliches, awkward sentence structures, wordiness, misplaced modifiers, tense shifts, excessive use of passive voice, plot and character inconsistencies, repetitions, and omissions. Proofreading will ensure that errors do not obscure your narrative.
I make all my changes and suggestions clear for you to accept, alter, or reject. My goal is to help your voice shine through.
Copy Editing and Proofreading: $.06 per word
Story-Level Service: Developmental Editing
In a story-level edit, I will look at your overall narrative for plot, structure, character, pacing, and theme. I will let you know both what works and what does not. I will spot errors in logic and consistency. My feedback will be honest, direct, and respectful. My goal is for you to feel confident and ready for publication.
I make all my changes and suggestions clear for you to accept, alter, or reject. My goal is to help your voice shine through.
Developmental Editing: $.05 per word
“But wait, if I have software that does this, why do I need to hire a human editor?”
Relying on software alone to make corrections in your manuscript is almost as bad as using a chatbot to write. The end result lacks a coherent and engaging voice. The software does not understand when to adhere to the rules and when to break them. It does not understand using language creatively for emphasis or deemphasis. It does not convey humor and joy in playing with language. Sometimes, the software is just straight-up wrong.