You clicked on the About page? That’s wonderful, welcome! I am an editor specializing in genre fiction. I come to this profession via a winding road. In my 50-plus years on this planet, I have been:
- a child (amateur and professional)
- a teen (dilettante)
- a burger delivery technician
- a retail associate and human target
- a file clerk (as dull as it sounds)
- a community-access television muti-tasker
- a cryptographic equipment repairer (no embellishment)
- an incubator and infant delivery system
- a telephone customer service agent and human target
- an installer of awnings and awning accessories
- a beer wench (both lager and ale)
- a herder of the teenage cats in our beloved public school system (17+ years)
Now, you are likely here to decide whether you can entrust the product of your long hours of joy and torture to me. You can.
Oh, you need more assurance than that? How about a professional blurb?
For 17 years, I helped young writers develop their skills. As a teacher of all levels of high school English, creative writing, and journalism, I have developed specific suggestions to suit specific writing issues. I have honed my editing abilities by providing line-by-line feedback under extreme time constraints.
Now, I apply these skills to my new career as co-editor of Trollbreath Magazine. As editor I read around a thousand entries during a submission period, polish selected pieces, design the printable PDF version of the magazine, and promote issues and individual pieces on social media. In this capacity, I work with short fiction, speculative non-fiction, and poetry.
I am a talented and timely editor looking to break into the genre market. I come to the field with a lifelong love of science fiction and fantasy. I look forward to helping you shine!
These are my top “Impact Five” priorities for stronger writing:
Choose action verbs over linking verbs
Choose active voice over passive voice
Choose subordination over coordination.
Use parallel structure.
Use specificity – better verbs instead of adverbs, and precise nouns instead of vague ‘stuff’ and ‘things’.